100+ Badass Cowboy Quotes to Live By

Tina Morris

badass cowboy live
  • In the rugged West, cowboys embody resilience and determination. Their tough lives inspire timeless wisdom and Badass Cowboy Quotes to Live by, offering guidance for today’s world.

This article delves into the heart of cowboy culture, exploring over 100 badass quotes that capture the essence of the cowboy way of life.

Table of Contents

The Cowboy Spirit: Grit and Determination

Badass cowboy

The true cowboy ain’t afraid of challenges. Instead, they face them head-on, armed with an unwavering spirit and a can-do attitude. This section explores quotes that embody the grit and determination that define the cowboy lifestyle.

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badass cowboy Quotes about Perseverance

  1. “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne
  2. “It’s not how many times you get bucked off, it’s how many times you get back on.”
  3. “The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.” – Louis L’Amour

These Quotes remind us that the Badass Cowboy Live by is about pushing through, no matter the obstacles. It’s about embracing the frontier spirit and conquering our fears.

Badass Cowboy Quotes live by on Facing Adversity

  1. “When you’re throwin’ your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by someone else.” – Texas Bix Bender
  2. “Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.”
  3. “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his boots.”

These sayings highlight the cowboy’s practical approach to life’s challenges. They teach us to be prepared, respect others, and avoid hasty judgments.

Words of Wisdom on Self-Reliance

  1. “The only good reason to ride a bull is to meet a nurse.”
  2. “Always drink upstream from the herd.”
  3. “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”

These witty observations underscore the importance of self-reliance and common sense in the Badass cowboy Quotes way of life. They remind us to think for ourselves and make smart choices.

Cowboy Code of Honor

cow boy code of honor

The cowboy code is more than just a set of rules; it’s a way of life. This section explores quotes that embody the integrity, honesty, and respect that form the backbone of cowboy ethics.

Badass Cowboy Quotes on Integrity and Honesty (live by)

  1. “If you make a deal, stick to it.”
  2. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” – Thomas Jefferson
  3. “A man is only as good as his word.”

These quotes highlight the importance of integrity in the cowboy way of life. A true cowboy values honesty above all else.

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Sayings about Keeping Your Word

  1. “A handshake is more binding than a signature.”
  2. “Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.”
  3. “A promise made is a debt unpaid.”

In the cowboy world, your word is your bond. These sayings emphasize the weight of promises and the importance of following through.

Wisdom on Respect and Fairness

  1. “Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are.”
  2. “Do what has to be done when it has to be done.”
  3. “Real cowboys are tough, honest, and fair.”

These quotes remind us that respect and fairness are cornerstones of the cowboy code. They teach us to treat others well, regardless of circumstances.

Life on the Range: Practical Wisdom

Life on the range is filled with practical lessons. This section explores quotes that capture the cowboy’s approach to hard work, simplicity, and living in harmony with nature.

Quotes about Hard Work and Dedication

  1. “There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode; Never was a cowboy who couldn’t be throwed.”
  2. “The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with watches you from the mirror every mornin’.”
  3. “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.”

These quotes highlight the cowboy’s way of life acceptance of hard work and the value of learning from mistakes. They remind us that growth often comes from challenges.

Sayings on the Value of Simplicity

  1. “The best things in life are simple.”
  2. “Less is more, unless it’s a saddle, then more is better.”
  3. “A full belly makes a happy heart.”

Cowboys appreciate the simple things in life. These sayings remind us to find joy in basic pleasures and not overcomplicate our lives.

Words of Wisdom on Living with Nature

  1. “The earth is a great teacher, if you listen.”
  2. “Nature is the art of God.” – Dante Alighieri
  3. “Respect the land, and the land will respect you.”

These quotes reflect the cowboy’s deep connection with nature. They teach us to respect and learn from our environment.

Badass Cowboy Quotes live by about Love and Loyalty

Even in the rugged west, love and loyalty play crucial roles. This section explores quotes that capture the depth of cowboy romance and the strength of their bonds.

Romantic Quotes from the Heart of the West

  1. “Love is like a wild horse – beautiful, powerful, and sometimes a little dangerous.”
  2. “My heart belongs to the wide-open spaces and the one who roams them with me.”
  3. “In your arms, I’ve found my home on the range.”

These quotes show that cowboy love is as wild and free as the frontier itself. They remind us that love can be an adventure.

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Sayings on Friendship and Camaraderie

  1. “There’s no better mirror than an old friend.”
  2. “A good friend is like a good saddle – it never lets you down.”
  3. “True friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”

These sayings highlight the importance of loyal friendships in the cowboy way of life. They remind us that true friends are invaluable.

Words of Wisdom on Family and Community

  1. “Family is where life begins and love never ends.”
  2. “It takes a village to raise a child, and a ranch to raise a cowboy.”
  3. “The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.”

These quotes emphasize the importance of family and community in cowboy culture. They teach us that we’re stronger together.

Humor on the Prairie

Cowboys are known for their quick wit and dry humor. This section explores some of the funniest and most clever cowboy quotes.

Witty Cowboy Observations

  1. “Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.”
  2. “Always take a good look at what you’re about to eat. It’s not so important to know what it is, but it’s critical to know what it was.”
  3. “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.”

These quotes showcase the cowboy’s practical wisdom wrapped in humor. They remind us not to take life too seriously.

Playful Sayings about Ranch Life

  1. “The only thing a cowboy fears more than a stampede is a vegetarian.”
  2. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
  3. “Behind every successful rancher is a wife who works in town.”

These sayings highlight the lighter side of ranch life, poking fun at cowboy stereotypes and daily challenges.

Clever Quips about Horses and Cattle

  1. “The horse is God’s gift to humanity. The cow is God’s gift to the horse.”
  2. “Horses are wonderful animals. They look at you with their big brown eyes and make you feel important.”
  3. “Cattle are the true wealth of the West. And they don’t talk back.”

These quotes reflect the cowboy’s close relationship with animals, blending respect with humor.

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Cowboy Philosophy: Deep Thoughts from the Saddle

badass cowboy quotes

Cowboys often have profound insights about life, freedom, and finding one’s path. This section explores some of the deepest cowboy wisdom.

Quotes on Freedom and Independence

  1. “Freedom is something that dies unless it’s used.” – Hunter S. Thompson
  2. “Out here, a man settles his own problems.” – John Wayne
  3. “The West is not a place, it’s a state of mind.”

These quotes capture the cowboy’s love for freedom and self-reliance. They remind us of the value of independence.

Sayings about Finding Your Path

  1. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any trail will take you there.”
  2. “Sometimes the longest way around is the shortest way home.”
  3. “The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.”

These sayings emphasize the importance of the journey in the cowboy way of life. They teach us to embrace the process of finding our way.

Wisdom on Living a Meaningful Life

  1. “It’s not dying I’m afraid of, it’s not living.”
  2. “Life is short. Ride hard and live free.”
  3. “The best things in life aren’t things.”

These quotes reflect the cowboy’s philosophy on living life to the fullest. They remind us to focus on experiences rather than possessions.

Famous Cowboys and Their Words

Many legendary cowboys have left us with unforgettable quotes. This section highlights some of the most iconic words from famous cowboys.

John Wayne’s Iconic Quotes

  1. “Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway.”
  2. “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re foolish.”
  3. “A man’s got to have a code, a creed to live by.”

John Wayne, the quintessential cowboy of American cinema, embodied the cowboy spirit both on and off-screen.

Will Rogers’ Witty Observations

  1. “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
  2. “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.”
  3. “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

Will Rogers, known for his humor and social commentary, often used cowboy wisdom to make profound points about life and society.

Other Legendary Cowboys and Their Sayings

  1. “I’m just a cowboy at heart.” – Clint Eastwood
  2. “There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works.” – Gene Autry
  3. “A true cowboy knows love, pain and shame but never cares about fame.” – Anonymous

These quotes from various cowboy legends showcase the diversity of cowboy wisdom and its enduring appeal.

Modern Cowboy Wisdom

modern cowboy

The cowboy spirit lives on in the modern world. This section explores contemporary cowboy quotes and their relevance today.

Contemporary Quotes from Working Cowboys

  1. “In the West, you can be whatever you want to be. A cowboy, a rancher, an artist. The only limit is your imagination.” – Modern Cowboy
  2. “Technology changes, but the cowboy way of life remains the same.” – Contemporary Rancher
  3. “Being a cowboy isn’t about wearing a hat. It’s about living with integrity and respect for the land.” – Modern Cowgirl

These quotes show how traditional cowboy values adapt to the modern world.

Rodeo Riders’ Motivational Sayings

  1. “It’s not about the 8 seconds. It’s about 8 hours of preparation.”
  2. “Pain is temporary. Pride is forever.”
  3. “Ride like you stole it.”

Rodeo riders embody the cowboy spirit of resilience and determination. Their quotes inspire us to face our challenges head-on.

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Country Music Lyrics with Cowboy Wisdom

  1. “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.” – Big & Rich
  2. “You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.” – Aaron Tippin
  3. “It’s the cowboy way.” – George Strait

Country music often captures the essence of cowboy wisdom, blending traditional values with modern sensibilities.

Applying Badass Cowboy Wisdom to Modern Life

modern cowboy

The cowboy way of life offers valuable lessons for our modern world. This section explores how we can apply badass cowboy quotes live by on wisdom to our daily life.

How to Embody the Cowboy Spirit in Today’s World

  1. Face challenges head-on
  2. Value honesty and integrity
  3. Respect nature and your environment
  4. Embrace simplicity
  5. Foster strong relationships and community ties

By adopting these principles, we can bring the best of cowboy culture into our modern lives.

Lessons from the Range for Personal Growth

  1. Perseverance in the face of adversity
  2. Self-reliance and problem-solving
  3. Respect for others and nature
  4. Finding joy in simple pleasures
  5. Living by a strong moral code

These lessons from the cowboy way of life can help us grow as individuals and navigate life’s challenges.

Cowboy Ethics in Business and Relationships

  1. Keep your word
  2. Treat others with respect
  3. Take pride in your work
  4. Do what needs to be done
  5. Be tough but fair

Applying these cowboy ethics to our professional and personal relationships can lead to more meaningful and successful interactions.


The badass cowboy quotes live by we’ve explored offer more than just a glimpse into the rugged west; they provide timeless wisdom that can guide us through the challenges of modern life. From the importance of integrity and hard work to the value of simplicity and respect for nature, cowboy wisdom offers a blueprint for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

By embracing the cowboy spirit, we can face our challenges with courage, treat others with respect, and find joy in life’s simple pleasures. Whether you’re riding the range or navigating the urban jungle, these cowboy quotes remind us to stay true to ourselves, stand up for what’s right, and never stop exploring the frontiers of our own potential.

So saddle up, partner. The trail ahead might be long and winding, but with the wisdom of the cowboys to guide us, we’re sure to find our way home.


What makes a cowboy quote “badass”?

A badass cowboy quote typically embodies courage, resilience, and straightforward wisdom.

Are these quotes only from real cowboys? 

While many quotes come from real cowboys, some are from actors, writers, and others inspired by cowboy culture.

How can I incorporate cowboy wisdom into my daily life? 

Focus on values like integrity, hard work, and respect for others and nature in your daily actions.

Do female cowboys (cowgirls) have their own quotes? 

Yes, cowgirls have contributed many powerful quotes to cowboy wisdom, often emphasizing strength and independence.

Where can I learn more about cowboy culture and history? 

Visit Western museums, read books on cowboy history, or explore reputable Western heritage websites for more information.

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